4 stages of Mesothelioma that Must be Known
For mesothelioma, the time has come to step 4 of classification, the tumor has advanced and spread to different sites away from the main location. Most times mesothelioma spreads to vital organs like the brain, other areas of the chest cavity and to vital organs located in the cavity.
1. The System TNM
The system classifies abdominal cancer based on three factors: 1) size tumor, 2) if the cancer has spread from its point of origin to nearby lymph nodes, and 3) if the cancer has metastasized. This system can be used for pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma stage. The T stands for tumor size, N represents the degree of involvement of the lymph nodes, and M for the extension of distant metastases. This is the most common staging system used for most cancers.
2. The System Butchart
The system Butchart categorizes the different stages of cancer based primarily on the size and extent of the primary tumor. This system has four stages. In Step 4 Butchart system, mesothelioma has spread, spreading through the bloodstream to organs and tissues that are distant from the primary tumor site.
3. The System Brigham
The network System Brigham is a relatively new staging system mesothelioma. This system classifies mesothelioma in different stages depending on whether or not the tumor can be removed through surgery {resection of the tumor mass}, and whether the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Brigham system includes four stages. In Step 4 of the Brigham system, mesothelioma is inoperable due to the large size of tumors and has penetrated vital organs. In addition, mesothelioma has spread to other places, which means the cancer is more likely to recur, although primary tumors are removed.
How is stage 4 of mesothelioma treated?
Patients with stage 4 have few treatment options. In stage 4 of mesothelioma, the prognosis is generally poor due to the spread of cancer to multiple locations. In addition, primary tumors often have penetrated too deeply into the organs and tissues to be removed. The overall health of stage 4 patients also had decreased to a level at which the patient is too weak to withstand the physical stress of 4 treatments surgery.Stage therefore limited to palliative treatments used to alleviate the symptoms of disease. These may include procedures such as thoracentesis or paracentesis, where the accumulation of fluid in the lungs or abdomen is removed to relieve pain and pressure on internal organs. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also be used to shrink tumors to provide symptomatic relief. As these treatments often have severe side effects, patients should carefully consider whether or not to endure such treatment in this final stage
Art By :. Bello kamorudeen
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